You may have heard the old saying, “You are what you eat” and that is absolutely true. The foods we put into our body will have a direct impact on our health. Especially if you are an athlete or someone who spends a lot of time working out, making sure that you are getting the nutrients that your body needs are not only essential for strength and performance but also for recovery. If you are not eating right then you could be selling yourself short from performing and your absolute best.
“Superfood” is a popular word you’ve probably seen on blogs and in grocery stores. And it seems like every other month there is a new “superfood” that has crazy benefits and has the ability cure diseases. Sadly a lot of these are built on hype rather than scientific evidence.
I have compiled a list of 5 superfoods that have been backed by science and evidence that will help improve recovery and overall performance.
1. Beetroot

Beetroot is a high source of nitrate. So eating beetroot or eating beetroot juice will raise the nitric oxide levels in our body. Research has shown that nitric oxide can increase blood flow, improve lung function, and strengthen muscle contractions. The level of nitrate is so high in beetroot that it can be considered an ergogenic aid and can be used as an effective pre-workout supplement.
2. Dark Berries

Berries such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries are an incredible source of antioxidants. They contain phytochemicals and protective elements to prevent oxidative stress that occurs in the body as a result of working out. On top of that, they have been shown to improve your memory!
3. Brazil Nuts

While many nuts in general are a great source of protein and healthy fats; Brazil nuts are rich in other vitamins such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. These essential vitamins and minerals can help protect and repair bones and connective tissues as well as regulate blood pressure. Eating just a few Brazil nuts each day can help stimulate that natural recovery process and help to build and maintain strong bones and muscles.
4. Salmon

Salmon is a high quality protein source and is packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have incredible anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce the inflammation in the body which occurs from exercise along with aiding in the recovery from bumps and bruises. The combination of high protein and anti-inflammation makes this a great food for building muscle and recovering from workouts.
5. Coconuts

Coconuts have been shown the raise metabolic rates which can aid the process of burning fat and losing weight. They also have wonderful anti-inflammatory properties and helps promote a healthy immune system, both of which are essential when it comes to optimal performance. Coconut water is a great source of electrolytes and sugar. Making this an effective drink to replenish lost fluids and minerals from a workout.
Final Note
As I mentioned before, there are tons of “superfoods” out there that are claiming to do many things. It is important that you do your research and don’t just fall for the hype as it will save you money in the long run. At the end of the day, there is no shortcut. Aim to eat an overall healthier diet and consider adding in a few of these foods to supplement your diet even further while making progressive, positive changes to your lifestyle habits.